I broke my wrist and it was so bad that the hospital technician’s eyes bugged out and she gasped when she saw the x-rays.

So I had surgery and a plate was installed which my doctor said was all he could do, but I still couldn’t use my hand.

I couldn’t play my violins–I own five of them. And I couldn’t play my guitars–and I own three of them. And I couldn’t even take a shower very well. I had no practical use of my hand, and it hurt, and I was out of work for a year.

It depressed the heck out of me.

But Saba was my therapist, and because she was my therapist, what I thought was impossible actually happened. I got back the use of my hand. (more…)

Robert W.


I’ve just finished up my second successful group of treatments with Saba Kamal at Hands on Care; once for my wrist in 2010 and my shoulder, just now. I would recommend Saba to anyone who is willing to work hard to regain mobility of injured joints. She is knowledgeable and articulate, always urging you to make your best effort. Doing the individual exercises it seems that Saba sometimes has eyes in the back of her head, to correct a wrongly done exercise, but I think she’s just an amazing multi-tasker who really can do several things at once and is always looking out for her patients. Laurel Rupp

Laurel R